Bram Adams (@mcis_lab) is an assistant professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada). He obtained his PhD at the GH-SEL lab at Ghent University (Belgium), and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab at Queen's University (Canada). His research interests include software release engineering in general, as well as software integration and software build systems in particular. His work has been published at premier software engineering venues such as TSE, ICSE, FSE, ASE, EMSE, MSR and ICSM. In addition to co-organizing RELENG 2013 and 2014 (and the 1st IEEE SW Special Issue on Release Engineering), he co-organized the PLATE, ACP4IS, MUD and MISS workshops, the MSR Vision 2020 Summer School and a technical briefing on release engineering at ICSE 2012. He is PC co-chair of SCAM 2013, SANER 2015 and ICSME 2016.
Stephany Bellomo is a member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. She has an MS in Software Engineering from George Mason University. Bellomo focuses her time on empirical research for improving software delivery and working with DoD/government practitioners on software-related challenges. Recent publications include papers on practices to enable rapid deployment. Bellomo served on the program committee as the Tutorial Chair for the 2013 Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference and has served as a technical reviewer yearly for the SATURN conference since 2010. She also served as a technical reviewer for the SEI Software Product Lines conference 2013. Ms. Bellomo teaches SEI courses in Service-Oriented Architecture Migration of Legacy Components as well as Software Architecture Principles and Practice. Prior to joining the SEI, Bellomo worked as a software developer/DBA and technical lead building software systems ranging from satellites to public facing e commerce websites for organizations such as Intuit, Lockheed Martin and Verisign.
Christian Bird is a researcher at Microsoft Research. He received his PhD from the University of California at Davis under advisor Prem Devanbu. His main research interest is empirical software engineering, predominantly examining collaboration and coordination in large software teams in both industrial and open source contexts. He has studied many aspects of release engineering at Microsoft, most recently code movement in SCMs and coordination issues between builders and developers. His studies have been published at venues including CACM, ICSE, FSE, MSR, and ICSM and has received three ACM Distinguished paper awards. Christian has served on the program committees at FSE, MSR, ICSM, ICPC, ESEM, and numerous workshops and has reviewed for CACM, TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, JSS, ICSE, CSCW, and others. He organized the Software Analytics track at the 2012 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, the Workshop on Replications in Software Engineering Research (RESER), is the PC co-chair of ICPC 2015.
Foutse Khomh is an assistant professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada). He received a Ph.D in Software Engineering from the University of Montreal in 2010, under the supervision of Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. His main research interest is in the field of empirical software engineering, with an emphasis on developing techniques and tools to improve software quality. He has studied many aspects of the release engineering process of large software companies such as RIM and Mozilla, and has published several papers in international conferences and journals, including ICSM, MSR, WCRE, ICWS, JSS, JSP, and EMSE. He is the recipient of a best paper award from the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. Foutse has served on the program committees of several international conferences including ICSM, WCRE, MSR, ICPC, and has reviewed for top international journals such as SQJ, EMSE, and TSE. He co-organized the LMO 2008 and CAL 2008 conferences, and is program co-chair of the Workshops track at WCRE 2013 and program chair of the Tool track at SCAM 2013.
Kim Moir (@kmoir) works at Mozilla as a release engineer. Her interests lie in build optimization, scaling large infrastructure and writing about the complexities of open source release engineering. Previously, Kim spent eight years working as a release engineer in the Eclipse community while employed by IBM. Kim is the author of the Eclipse chapter in The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume I ( Outside of work she can be found hitting the pavement with her running mates, preparing for the next road race. Kim holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Acadia University and blogs at
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Shane McIntosh is a PhD candidate at Queen's University (SAIL). He uses empirical software engineering techniques to study software build systems, release engineering, and software quality.